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Showing posts with the label Day 4: Class vs. Instance Hackerrank Solution java

Day 4: Class vs. Instance Hackerrank Solution java

 Day 4: Class vs. Instance Hackerrank Solution java Do Check My Video For Explnation: Sample Input 4 -1 10 16 18 Sample Output Age is not valid, setting age to 0. You are young. You are young. You are young. You are a teenager. You are a teenager. You are old. You are old. You are old. Code: import*; import  java.util.*; public   class  Person {      private   int  age;             public  Person( int  initialAge) {          // Add some more code to run some checks on initialAge            if (initialAge< 0 ){               age =  0 ;               System.out.println( "Age is not valid, setting age to 0." );           } else {               age = initialAge;           }                }      public   void  amIOld() {          // Write code determining if this person's age is old and print the correct statement:            if (age <  13 ){               System.out.println( "You are young." );           } else   if (age>= 13  && age&l