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Showing posts with the label Hackerrank SQL

Average Population Hackerrank Solution SQL | Hackerrank SQL

 Average Population Hackerrank Solution SQL  For Explanation Watch Video:  Code:: select round(avg(population),0) from city;

Revising Aggregations - Averages Hackerrank Solution SQL | Hackerrank SQL

  Revising Aggregations - Averages Hackerrank Solution SQL  For Explanation Watch Video : Code:: select avg(population) from city where district = 'California';

Type of Triangle Hackerrank Solution SQL | Hackerrank SQL

 Type of Triangle Hackerrank Solution SQL  For Explanation Watch Video : Code: SELECT CASE WHEN A+B<=C OR B+C<=A OR C+A<=B THEN 'Not A Triangle' WHEN A=B AND B=C THEN 'Equilateral' WHEN A=B OR B=C OR C=A THEN 'Isosceles' ELSE 'Scalene' END FROM TRIANGLES;

Employee Salaries Hackerrank Solution SQL | Hackerrank SQL

 Employee Salaries Hackerrank Solution SQL For Explanation Watch Video:  Code: select name from Employee where salary>2000 and months < 10 order by employee_id;

Employee Names Hackerrank Solution SQL | Hackerrank SQL

Employee Names Hackerrank Solution SQL   For Explanation Watch Video : Code: select name from Employee order by name;

Higher Than 75 Marks Hackerrank Solution SQL | Hackerrank SQL

 Higher Than 75 Marks Hackerrank Solution SQL  for explanation watch Video: Code: select name from students where marks>75 order by substr(name,-3),id;

Weather Observation Station 12 Hackerrank Solution SQL | Hackerrank SQL

 Weather Observation Station 12 Hackerrank Solution SQL For Explanation Watch Videos:: Code: select distinct city from station where  not(city like 'A%' or city like 'E%' or city like 'I%' or city like 'O%' or city like 'U%') and not(city like '%A' or city like '%E' or city like '%I' or city like '%O' or city like '%U');